Eating citrus fruits after a meal may not be healthy! Here’s why

Rahul Verma

27 January 2024

Rahul Verma

27 January 2024

Potassium in citrus fruits can contribute to maintaining healthy blood pressure levels, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases

Rahul Verma

27 January 2024

Vitamin C in citrus fruits contributes to skin health by protecting against oxidative stress and promoting collagen synthesis

Rahul Verma

27 January 2024

Digestive Discomfort: Citrus fruits are acidic, and consuming them after a meal may lead to acidity or indigestion in some individuals.

Rahul Verma

27 January 2024

Delayed Stomach Emptying: Citrus fruits might slow down the rate at which the stomach empties, leading to a feeling of fullness and potential discomfort.

Rahul Verma

27 January 2024

Interference with Iron Absorption Citrus fruits contain compounds that can inhibit the absorption of non-heme iron, potentially impacting individuals with iron-deficiency anemia.

Rahul Verma

27 January 2024

Dental Sensitivity: The acidity in citrus fruits may contribute to dental sensitivity or enamel erosion, particularly if consumed immediately after a meal.

Rahul Verma

27 January 2024

Blood Sugar Impact: While citrus fruits have a relatively low glycemic index, their consumption after a meal may affect blood sugar levels in some individuals, especially those with diabetes.

Rahul Verma

27 January 2024

Weight Management: Overconsumption of calories, even from healthy sources like fruits, can contribute to weight gain if not considered within overall dietary goals.