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How to Delete a Pinterest Account

Pinterest is а vibrаnt soсiаl meԁiа рlаtform where users саn ԁisсover аnԁ sаve сreаtive iԁeаs, from home ԁeсor to reсiрes аnԁ fаshion, While mаny enjoy the insрirаtion Pinterest offers, there аre times when you might сonsiԁer ԁeleting your ассount. Mаybe you’re looking to reԁuсe your soсiаl meԁiа footрrint, or you’ve founԁ thаt Pinterest no longer serves your neeԁs, Whаtever your reаson, we’re here to guiԁe you through How to Delete a Pinterest Account.

Before You Delete Your Pinterest Account

How to Delete a Pinterest Account

Before tаking the рlunge аnԁ ԁeleting your Pinterest ассount, it’s important to сonsiԁer а few рreliminаry steрs. First, аnԁ foremost, think аbout bасking uр your ԁаtа. If you have рins, boаrԁs, or other information you want to keeр, ԁownloаԁing your ԁаtа ensures you won’t lose аnything vаluаble. Aԁԁitionаlly, you might want to сonsiԁer ԁeасtivаting your ассount аs а temрorаry meаsure. This wаy, if you сhаnge your minԁ lаter, reасtivаtion is simрle.

How to Backup Your Pinterest Data

Backing up your Pinterest data is a crucial step before deleting your account, Pinterest provides a straightforward process to ensure that all your valuable information is saved, Here’s a detailed guide to help you back up your data efficiently:

  • Log into Your Pinterest Account: Start by logging into your Pinterest account on either your computer or mobile device, Make sure you have access to the email address associated with your Pinterest account, as you’ll need it later in the process.
  • Navigate to Your Settings: Onсe log in, сliсk on the three ԁots loсаteԁ in the toр right сorner of your sсreen to oрen the menu. From the ԁroрԁown, seleсt “Settings.” This will tаke you to your ассount settings раge where you саn mаnаge vаrious аsрeсts of your ассount.
  • Select “Privacy and data”: In the settings menu, look for the “Privacy and data” option, This section contains all the settings related to your data privacy and account information.
  • Request a Data Download: In the “Privacy and Data” section, you’ll find an option to request a data download. Click on this option, and Pinterest will begin compiling your data. You’ll receive an email with a link to download your data once it’s ready, This process might take some time depending on the amount of data Pinterest has to process.

The data you’ll receive includes your profile information, pins, boards, and any other data Pinterest has collected about you. By backing up your data, you ensure that you have a complete record of your activity and creations on Pinterest, This backup can be invaluable if you ever decide to return to Pinterest or simply want to keep a personal archive of your creative endeavors.

Difference Between Deactivating and Deleting a Pinterest Account

Understanding the difference between deactivation and deletion is essential:

Deactivating your Pinterest account means your profile and pins are hidden, but the data remains intact. However, you can reverse the process of deactivation and regain access to Gmail anytime you wish to do so.

Deleting your Pinterest account permanently removes your data from Pinterest. This action is irreversible, and all your pins, boards, and other information will be lost.

How to Deactivate Your Pinterest Account

If you’re not ready to permanently part with your Pinterest account, deactivation is a good option. Here’s a detailed guide to deactivating your account:

  • Log into Your Pinterest Account: To begin with, you will need to log in to your Pinterest home using your account. Ensure you’re using the account you intend to deactivate.
  • Go to Your Account Settings: Click on your profile picture located in the top right corner of the Pinterest homepage. This will reveal a dropdown menu; choose the last option labeled “Settings.” from this menu. You will be directed to the account’s settings pages.
  • Select “Account settings”: On the settings page, find the “Account settings” option on the left-hand side, Clicking this will open various account management options.
  • Scroll Down to “Account Changes”: Scroll down the account settings page until you find the “Account changes” section. Here, you will get the link that can help in the deactivation of the account.
  • Click on “Deactivate Account”: Click the “Deactivate account” option. Pinterest will prompt you with a few questions to understand why you’re deactivating, To complete the process, please follow the instructions on the screen.

After you deactivate your account, your profile and pins will be hidden from other users. This means that while your data isn’t deleted, it becomes invisible to the public. You can easily reactivate your account by logging back in, at which point all your data and activity will be restored.

How to Permanently Delete Your Pinterest Account

How to Delete a Pinterest Account

If you’ve decided to permanently delete your Pinterest account, it’s crucial to understand that this action is irreversible. Log into Your Pinterest Account: To begin with, you will need to log in to your Pinterest home using your account.

  • Log into Your Pinterest Account: To begin with, you will need to log in to your Pinterest home using your account. Ensure you have access to the email associated with this account, as you’ll need it to confirm the deletion.
  • Navigate to Your Account Settings: Click on your profile picture in the top right corner of the Pinterest homepage. From the dropdown menu, select “Settings” to go to your account settings page.
  • Select “Account settings”: In the settings menu, click on “Account settings.” This section allows you to manage your account preferences and changes.
  • Scroll Down to “Account Changes”: Scroll through the account settings until you find the “Account changes” section. Here, you will see the option to “Delete account.”
  • Click on “Delete Account”: Click the “Delete account” option. Pinterest will prompt you with a few questions to confirm your decision. Follow the on-screen instructions carefully.
  • Confirm Your Decision via Email: Pinterest will send a confirmation email to the address associated with your account. Open this email and follow the provided link to confirm that you want to delete your account.

Once you’ve confirmed via email, your account will be scheduled for deletion. Pinterest typically allows a 14-day grace period during which you can change your mind. After this period, your account and all associated data will be permanently deleted.

What Happens After You Delete Your Pinterest Account

After you delete your Pinterest account, several things happen:

  • Immediate Removal: Your profile and pins are immediately removed from public view. Other users will no longer be able to see your boards, pins, or profile information.
  • 14-Day Grace Period: Pinterest offers a 14-day grace period during which your account is marked for deletion but not yet permanently removed.  You can cancel this deletion if you return to your account in that period.
  • Permanent Deletion: After the 14-day grace period, your account and all associated data are permanently deleted. This includes all your pins, boards, likes, and followers.

You may cancel the deletion if you return to your account in this period. All your data is erased from Pinterest’s servers, making restoring any of your previous activity or information impossible.

Recovering a Deleted Pinterest Account

If you accidentally delete your Pinterest account, recovering it might be possible within a short window. Here’s how to attempt recovery:

  • Check Your Email: Look for the deletion confirmation email sent by Pinterest, This email contains important information and a link to reverse the deletion if you’re within the 14-day grace period.
  • Contact Pinterest Support: If you can’t find the email or if you’re past the 14-day grace period, contact Pinterest support as soon as possible, Explain your situation and provide any necessary details to verify your identity and account ownership.
  • Provide Verification Details: Pinterest support may ask for verification details, such as your username, email address, and any other information to confirm your identity, Be prepared to provide these details promptly.

Although recovery is not guaranteed, especially if the 14-day grace period has passed, contacting Pinterest support as soon as possible increases your chances of retrieving your account.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

While deleting your Pinterest account, you might encounter some common issues. Here’s how to troubleshoot them:

  • Not Receiving the Confirmation Email: If you don’t receive the confirmation email, check your spam or junk folder. Ensure that the email address associated with your Pinterest account is correct. If necessary, request the email again from your account settings.
  • Technical Glitches: If you experience technical issues during the deletion process, try logging out and back in. Clear your browser cache or try using a different browser or device to complete the process.
  • Account Not Deleting: If your account doesn’t delete as expected, ensure that you’ve followed all steps correctly, including confirming the deletion via email, If the problem persists, contact Pinterest support for assistance.

By addressing these issues, you can ensure a smoother deletion process without unnecessary delays or complications.

Managing Your Online Presence After Deletion

After deleting your Pinterest account, it’s wise to manage your online presence to ensure no remnants of your Pinterest activity linger online. Here’s how:

  • Remove Pinterest Links: If you’ve linked your Pinterest profile on other social media platforms, blogs, or websites, remove these links to prevent broken connections.
  • Update Any Websites or Blogs: If you’ve embedded Pinterest pins on your website or blog, update these pages to remove the now-inactive content. This ensures your website remains functional and visually appealing.
  • Check Connected Apps: Review any apps or services connected to your Pinterest account. Revoke Pinterest access from these apps to prevent any potential issues or data breaches.

By taking these steps, you can ensure a clean break from Pinterest and maintain a tidy online presence.

Alternatives to Deleting Your Account

If you’re hesitant about deleting your account, consider these alternatives:

  • Taking a Break: Simply logging out and taking a hiatus from Pinterest can provide the break you need without losing your entire Pinterest history. This option allows you to return anytime without any data loss.
  • Adjusting Privacy Settings: If privacy concerns are prompting you to delete your account, consider adjusting your Pinterest privacy settings. Make your boards secret, limit who can see your activity, and review your data-sharing preferences to enhance your privacy without deleting your account.

These alternatives offer a middle ground, allowing you to manage your Pinterest presence without resorting to permanent deletion.

Conclusion: How to Delete a Pinterest Account

Deleting a Pinterest account is a significant decision that requires careful consideration. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure a smooth and informed process. Whether you choose to deactivate or permanently delete your account, understanding the implications and taking the necessary precautions will help you manage your online presence effectively.


Can I reactivate a deactivated account?

Yes, you can reactivate a deactivated Pinterest account by simply logging back in.

What happens to my pins and boards?

If you deactivate your account, your pins and boards are hidden but not deleted. Permanent deletion removes all your data.

How long does it take to delete an account?

The deletion process begins immediately after confirmation and is completed after 14 days.

Can I delete my account from the mobile app?

Yes, you can delete your Pinterest account from both the mobile app and desktop site.

What if I change my mind after deletion?

If you change your mind within the 14-day window, you can try contacting Pinterest support to recover your account.