Last Updated: 2024

Thank you for visiting Expert Viewers! These Terms of Service (“Terms”) establish the legal framework governing your access and use of our website located at, along with any associated services, content, and functionalities (collectively, the “Service”). By accessing or using any aspect of the Service, you signify your acceptance of these Terms. If you do not agree to these Terms, please refrain from using the Service.

User Information:

We may collect user email addresses through subscriptions to our service that would send out daily updates and new topics related to the blog posts, We will collect and use this information under the terms of our Privacy Policy.

Content and Purpose:

Information and the reviews of our site are aimed at these innovations. It has insightful information pieces that should be taken as suggestions. Authorization to make revisions, edits or remove content that is at our discretion.

Cyber Security Laws:

India: All the cyber security laws and regulations that are applicable can be found in India, we do comply with these aforementioned issues. The relevant provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2008, and other such applicable laws are binding on any user accessing our website from India. 

European Union (EU): The EU users follow the GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation. The Privacy Policy defines under which circumstances we are entitled to keep your data safe and tells how exactly the information is collected, handled, or distributed. 

United Kingdom (UK): People in the UK strictly come under the Data Protection Act 2018 and other laws. We adhere to data protection and it has been elaborated on better in our Privacy Policy.

United States (USA): We adhere to the data security legislation as spelled out in various USA laws. As detailed in the Privacy Policy, we collect information and explain how it is used.

User Conduct:

You confirm the use of Expert Viewers following all applicable laws and regulations, It is prohibited to carry out any actions that might interfere with or prevent further operation of our Website.


We have the right to update or change these Terms at any time. These Terms will provide the last updated date on top of which reflects all the changes that constitute than there are. You must review these Terms at regular intervals for any changes.

Contact Information:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these Terms, please contact us at

Thank you for using Expert Viewers!